below the waterline

Reflect, Rethink, Restock: Live Art and Disability - Below the Waterline - Luke’s reflection on a conversation – as part of the live event – with Caroline Bowditch is featured in this unique resource, along with photographic work that accompanying performative writing from Catherine Long and Doran George.

Anticipated as a watershed moment in Live Art and Disability performance and discourse, Access All Areas: Live Art and Disability resource from Live Art Development Agency has been released this month.  Key artists and observers in this field contribute practice and theory to this important resource.

 ‘Live Art is truly the avant-garde forum for Disability Art and at the forefront of Disability Art practice, thinking and theory.’ — Dr Paul Darke, 2011

Access All Areas is a new collection of artists’ writings, creative dialogues, critical commentaries and DVDs featuring documentation of artists’ presentations and performances spanning 20 years, which reflect the ways in which Live Art has represented issues of disability in inventive and radical ways.

Featured artists and writers include Jon Adams, Katherine Araniello, Ron Athey, Back to Back Theatre, Bobby Baker, Caroline Bowditch and Luke Pell, sean burn, The Disabled Avant-Garde, Pete Edwards, Extant, Mat Fraser, 15mm Films, Lyn Gardner, Girl Jonah, Tony Heaton, Raimund Hoghe, David Hoyle, Noëmi Lakmaier, Brian Lobel, Catherine Long, Rita Marcalo, Alan McLean and Tony Mustoe, Kim Noble, Martin O’Brien, Sinead O’Donnell, Maria Oshodi, Mary Paterson, Áine Phillips, Juliet Robson, Sheree Rose, Rajni Shah and Aaron Williamson.

thresholds of understanding

emotional bodies & cities