My practice has always been concerned with care.
As a younger person working in a pet store, a shoe store, a hairdresser’s, in pubs and clubs and theatres.
I’m intersted in performance making as a place of hosting, for the social and the ritual.
For attending to one another, to this world, to other worlds, to detail.
In my work as a dramaturg with other artists I am often involved in processes of care, of creation, change and transformation, of letting go and bringing into being.
I understand choreography as a craft of care.
In my work with artist Claire Cunningham over the past 7 years we have talked a lot about care, in myriad contexts, from myriad perspectives.
As former Factory Artist with tanzhaus nrw, Claire wanted to mark approaching the end of her residency with them by hosting a symposium in May 2020 which we were calling Choreography of Care. Inviting artists, activists and change makers whose work we felt spoke to an ethos of care together to share how they believe it shapes their practice and its influences out into the world through their work.
Because of the global pandemic the symposium has been postponed to June 2021, however to mark the space of the intended event, Claire and collaborators have created some podcasts to share some of the thinking behind the symposium, some of the voices that will be present hopefully next year, and to give a sense of why such an event.
These include a conversation between Claire and I about care and a recording of a piece of writing I made about Claire’s work - taking the time to talk - a few years ago.
You can listen to these conversations, download transcripts and find details about the 2021 event below.